Living in Isolation

Living in Isolation

The Torah portion of Tazria begins with a small section on the procedure to be followed pursuant to the birth of a child: “When a woman conceives and gives birth to a male, she shall be contaminated for a seven-day period … On the eighth day, the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.  For…

Late to Base

Late to Base

A story is told of a group of soldiers who were on leave from the Israeli Army.  This group was given a number of hours, perhaps a day or two, to be away from base.  The soldiers were ordered to return by a given time on a given day.  The soldiers immensely enjoyed their time away, taking full…

Beginning of a Rivalry

Beginning of a Rivalry

The Torah section of Lekh Lekha marks the beginning of a rivalry – a long standing rivalry that continues to this day.  We read in this Torah section that our forefather Abraham and his wife Sarah are childless for many years (Bereshit 15:2-3).  Sarah then offers her maidservant Hagar to her husband in the hope…

For the Love of G-d

For the Love of G-d

The venerated father-in-law of this essay’s author, R. Hersh Rosenhan, one of the earliest devoted students in America of the illustrious Torah luminary R. Aaron Kotler, who imbibed much of his beloved mentor’s wisdom, has voiced on various occasions an apparent anomaly.  At the beginning of the Shemona Esrei prayer, one beseeches G-d, “My L-rd,…

A Question of Joy

A Question of Joy

  As the 18th day of the Hebrew month of Iyyar approaches every year, hundreds and thousands of Jews in Israel and even many from abroad prepare for what is seen as a joyous trek and stay in the northern Israel city of Meron at the location of the grave of the famous second century Tanna,…

Redemption Can be Swift

Redemption Can be Swift

After Joseph’s being exiled to a foreign land, enslaved, falsely accused of a crime and imprisoned, we read (Bereshit 41:14), “And Pharaoh sent and summoned Joseph, and they rushed him from the dungeon.”  Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had a disturbing dream that could only be interpreted by Joseph and, subsequently, redeemed Joseph from all…